For the love of the dog!
Today (26th August) is International Dog Day 2020! A day where we can appreciate our perfect pups (more than we already do!). Although International Dog Day is mainly celebrated to raise awareness about dog adoption and the importance of providing rescue dogs with a safe and loving environment it is also about loving furry friends!
National Dog Day was established in 2004 by animal advocate & pet and family lifestyle expert Coleen Paige. It celebrates all dogs and encourages adoption. Sadly, each year, millions of dogs become homeless because they are unwanted or their owners are unable to care for them.
Often known as man’s best friend, dogs were the first animals to be domesticated by humans and they were often used for guarding property, herding stock, and for hunting game. Today, dogs are used as companions and are considered to be a member of the family in many parts of the world.
Life in lock down has not only allowed us to spend more quality time at home with our families (of the human kind), but also with our pets too! Whether your pet has become your new working from home buddy, or they’ve just been there keeping your spirits up… this precious time has given us the opportunity to witness all their cute quirks and funny personalities more than ever!
How to Celebrate?
- Adopt a dog and give it a loving home.
- If you have a dog, treat them with their favourite treats.
- If you are unable to have a dog in your family, celebrate the day by donating your time and / or money to the local animal and dog shelter.
Whilst today is all about the pups, we love all pets… big, small, fury, fluffy, feathery, scaled 2 legs or more! So we created a #petsofclark initiative in our Facebook and Instagram to celebrate them! We would love your pictures and stories so we can share the love! Send via email to salesassistant@clarkrealty.com.au
Speaking of pets, even the best behaved and cleanest critters can have an impact on our house. From scratched floors and sofas to muddy paw prints and hair everywhere, it’s not always easy for our furry friends to respect our homes like we do. So, here is a list we found from Smart Homes of ideas for a pet friendly home;
Create a pet-friendly entry
Create a pet station in your hallway to keep the pet leashes, toys and treats. To help stop the grime at the door, keep an old towel or pet wipes handy for wiping their muddy paws before your pet has a chance to track dirt through the house. Keeping a door mat outside will also help trap debris before entering the house.
Choose durable flooring
Hard wear flooring is always a better option than carpet if you have pets inside. Consider options such as polished concrete, laminate flooring, stone or ceramic tiles. They will be easier to keep clean and stain free as opposed to carpet. These floors are also cooler in hot weather, which will be ideal for your pets to cool down.
Slip-proof your rugs
A rug can dramatically change the look and feel of your home and also protect floors from claws and stains. They can offer your pet a comfy spot to snooze and you can easily clean them. To make sure your rug always stays in place, even with your pets running around, slip-proof it underneath.
Fashionable upholstery
Think carefully before buying your furniture as some of the fabrics can be easily ruined by pets. Choose fabrics and furniture that not only hides any fur, but that will also create less work for you. Fabrics with pattern are a good option to consider for hiding evidence of pet hair.
Create special areas around the house
Pets love to have their own space around the house. To help keep your pets away from your couches or beds, create little spaces which they can call their own. Dogs love their comfy beds so consider adding two or three beds in the main living spaces. Whilst for cats, having a perch to climb will keep them busy and happy.
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