We know there is a lot to consider when making the move into a retirement community and planning for your future.
We’ve teamed up with our friends at The Atrium Lutwyche, who are dedicated to helping our clients make an informed decision that is right for them and their specific needs.
Join us for our Retirement Living Information Session and learn about a range of topics including downsizing, selling your home and how retirement village residents are protected under Queensland Government legislation. Our Principal Mario Lattanzi will be guest speaking at the event
Guest speakers include:
- Karen Morgan, Downsizing Specialist, Task Tamers
Karen’s caring approach has resulted in her becoming one of Brisbane’s most popular professional organisers! As a specialist in downsizing, Karen will reveal where to start and will share other tips to make your move into The Atrium Lutwyche easier.
- Mario Lattanzi, Principal, Clark Real Estate
As a born and bred Northsider with over 18 years agency experience, Mario will provide an update on the current residential market in the northern suburbs and advice to maximise the value in your current home.
- Sandra Bassett, Lawyer, Smith and Stanton Lawyers
We understand that retirement village contracts can be confusing! As well as clarifying the differences between retirement villages and over 50s lifestyle resorts, Sandra will highlight aspects of retirement village contracts to compare such as varying exit fee structures, maintenance and repair obligations, renovation costs and other costs to consider when entering and exiting a village.
Event details:
WHEN: 10.00am, Thursday 22 August
WHERE: Long Tan Room Kedron-Wavell Services Club, 21 Kittyhawk Dr, Chermside QLD 4032
RSVP: Follow the link below or contact The Atrium Lutwyche directly on 07 3357 9092 or live@theatriumlutwyche.com.au